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cross 퀴즈

페이지 정보

작성자 배정연 작성일23-01-11 16:39 조회2,583회 댓글0건
배정연님 퀴즈


1 A medical name for a stye of the eye → Hordeolum
2 Impaired or dim vision without obvious defect or change in the eye → Amblyopia
5 A condition of the eye that makes it difficult to see objects that are far away, nearsightedness → Myopia
8 A disease in which pressure inside the eye causes gradual loss of vision → Glaucoma
9 A condition in which someone can see things clearly that are far away but not things that are near → Ametropia

1 Excess of blood in a body part, congestion → Hyperemia
3 The ability to see, sight or eyesight → Vision
4 A disease that causes the eye to become pink and sore → Conjunctivitis
6 An oval yellowish area surrounding the fovea near the centre of the retina in the eye, which is the
region of keenest vision → Macula
7 A condition in which a part of your eye (called the lens) becomes cloudy and you cannot see well → Cataract


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