cross 퀴즈

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cross 퀴즈

페이지 정보

작성자 이가영 작성일22-10-07 17:05 조회3,260회 댓글0건
이가영님 퀴즈
이대목동병원 영상의학과-영상의학과-2


2. A way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group,
family, society, etc., for a long time → Tradition
5. System of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and developed by Mencius. → Confucianism
8. A special day of celebration, a day when most people do not have to work → Holiday
9. The city or town where you were born or grew up → Hometown
10. A member of your family → Relative

1. Something that is given to another person or to a group or organization → Gift
3. Descending from an ancestor → Descendant
4. A calendar that measures the passage of the year according to the phases of the moon, as opposed to the
revolution of the earth around the sun → Lunarcalendar
6. The moon when it appears as a bright circle compare with half-moon, new moon → Fullmoon
7. August 15th in the lunar calendar → Chuseok


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